Academic Articles & Book Chapters

“Familiarizing the Future: The Diegetic Prototype of Netflix’s Away”
Science Fiction Film and Television (Spring 2022)

“Sherlock Holmes and the Romance of Science”
In "My Scientific Methods”: Sherlock Holmes and the Sciences, ed. Dana Richards. BSI Press (2022).

“Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis and the Ideals of Modern Science in Stargate Atlantis.”
In Unauthorized Offworld Activation: Essays on the Stargate Franchise, ed. Rich Handley and Joseph Dilworth. Sequart, 2022.

“Science Fiction as Thought Experiment: The Case of Jules Verne’s Extraordinary Voyages” Configurations 29.3 (Summer 2021)

“The Ontology of the Hologram: Gothic Tropes and the Ontological Transgressions of Technoscience.”
SFRA Review 50.4 (Fall 2020)

“(In)human Perspectives.”
Social Anthropology 28.2 (May 2020)

A Study in Scarlet and the Study of Mankind: Sherlock Holmes and Pope’s Essay on Man.”
Baker Street Journal 63.4 (2013)